Classic Computing vs Quantum Computing

 Courtesy: Md. Pulok Kabir, Batch:181, Department of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh

What is quantum Computing system?
A quantum computer is a new thing that operates faster than classical computers by using the superposition nature of subatomic particles. 

Superposition nature of subatomic particle
As we all know, electrons can move in such a specific orbital, but this is not the case; it can be found anywhere near the side of the orbital and it is known as superposition.

But whenever we know the exact location of the electron, the superposition will break and then we will find the exact location of an electron. Some researchers agree that the superposition condition of subatomic particles can be used in computing systems and the use of these subatomic particles can increase the operating system of a computer.

Classical computing vs quantum computing:
As we know, classical computers work through 0 and 1, which is called a bit. In classical computing, it converts any information into 0 and 1; it works through a transistor.

When the transistor is on, then it will be 1, and if the transistor is off, then it will be 0. In quantum computing, it works with 1 and 0 and as well as 0,1 simultaneously, which is called the QUBITS system, and it is also called superposition.
how can this combination be possible? Well, when we toss a coin, and whenever it rotates, it changes direction with either head or tail, we cannot say specifically whether it is the head or not, unless it comes back to its stable condition.


When the superposition condition breaks, then we can certainly say that it will be head or else tail.
If you are a movie liker, then the example will be easier. Suppose you have 20 movie files on your computer. You must search for the one you want to watch. The binary system checks each file individually (either 0 or 1), whereas the qubits system (a possible combination of 0 and 1 at a time) searches for the movie file faster rather than the binary bits system, because it can deal with 0,1 simultaneously due to its superposition nature. So, the system will be faster than a classic computing system.


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