Online Class Vs Direct Class in Green University of Bangladesh

 Courtesy: Ahanaf Ahmed, Batch-201, Dept. of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh

 Offline Class                Online Class

In the interest of modern technology, the online class has brought about unimaginable changes in the current education system instead of the traditional direct class, although there are different views on this issue. To deal with the current pandemic situation of covid-19, Green University of Bangladesh is taking online classes like other universities. Despite the many differences between the direct class and the online class, both the pros and cons have played an effective role in the current education system to expand education.

The online class has made the education system accessible to all which has brought about a major change in the old education system. By using internet connectivity, we can attend class from anywhere for the convenience of the online class. This is the most appealing benefit of online education for students. In simple words, it brings education right to our home. Because of Online class, we can review the class if we want. By doing this we can understand the whole thing and practice them very well. Those students who aren’t comfortable in classroom environment and speaking in public, online class can be much easier to share their thoughts with others. Due to the online facility, we can improve the quality of our study through group study with classmates at any time by zoom platform. By participating in the online class, we can also participate in various online courses, which increases our skills.

Direct class is our traditional conventional teaching and learning method. In this way students have to be present all over so that they can concentrate on their studies well and there is no chance of cheating. The best part of this approach is that students can talk to their teachers right away to solve any problem immediately. Also, all the training work or lab work can be learned in this way easily. This method can be used to accurately evaluate any exam or class test. Students participate in direct classes, expressing opinions on an educational subject creates diversity in learning. In a physical classroom, the teacher is free to move the learners around, grouping them in different ways and laying out the class in a way that will make the activities run smoothly.

Now we are familiar with the two methods- online class and direct class. The similarities between the two methods of participating in the class and giving the exam are observed from the presence of the students. Many difference are observed between them. Internet connectivity and some digital devices are required to participate in the online class, which is expensive. Apart from these, it is possible to do direct class. The way to communicate with teachers in direct class is not possible in online. The online class can be seen again which is more effective than the direct class. Students can be verified better in direct attendance than online. If the class is online, students can participate from any place which is not possible in the off-line class. Educational diversity is less seen in direct class than in online class. 

To sum up, while there are difference between direct class and online class, both methods can be useful for the students in different ways. Both methods contribute well to our education system although they have some advantage and disadvantage. However, in a more and more globalized workplace, online classes are becoming an obvious choice for any professional program. Finally, both methods are needed to keep the education system afloat.

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