Energy Storage Technology

 Courtesy: Habibur Rahman, ID-183001041, Department of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh

Technology is a very delightful phrase in this modern world. It's brought to us a lot of easy ways to enjoy our lifestyle.

 So let's learn what technology is-:

"Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices that are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes."

Technology is changing fast. If we compare ourselves with 20 years back, we'll see a lot of changes have already emerged, including our lifestyles.

The world is moving in the direction of using electricity derived from renewable sources. With the mass production of devices to enable the production of energy from such sources (wind, solar, and tides)

Energy storage is one of the most important technologies in this modern world of technology. Energy storage systems rise to solve our one very common problem, which is that sometimes renewable energy sources don't produce enough supply according to our needs. Meanwhile, sometimes it produced more than the needed supply of energy. So the theory is that we want to store the extra production of energy for those days when our source doesn't produce enough energy.

Energy can be stored in Five ways which are:- Electrical, Mechanical, Thermal, Electrochemical, and Chemical. Those are the ways to use energy storage. 

There was a time when the most used method of energy storage is batteries which are under Electrochemical. But as we move forward our methods are also moving forward. In recent times people are accomplishing more than only batteries. Fuel Cell is the greatest invention which is a chemical method for energy storage.

The successes of the last few years in perfecting the application of fast-acting power storage have been significant. Other applications are being developed, for example, supplementing transmission stability systems with a few seconds of active power from a storage device and finding more economical ways to stabilize wind power systems greatly increasing the value of this renewable energy source. These applications are expected to work together to increase the efficiency and performance of the electric grid. The ever-increasing activities relative to different types of energy storage technologies seem to point to greater commercial use becoming a reality shortly.

There are much greater inventions coming into the near future. Those all are for making human life in a very spot where they never have been before. 

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