Why and where software and programming skills are required for the EEE students?

 Courtesy: Md. Badrul Ahsan Tamal

From developing, maintaining, navigating or for the communications “Software & programming” skill’s for EEE Engineers are the prerequisite to pursue degree or starting or advancing in a career in this field. In this Covid-19 situation we learned & adapted the virtual environment and realized after the end of pandemic, this technology evolution will not just drive but also will control our life. So, we just can’t seat idle but to be the controller and to keep the world running, we need these skills.

How it works:

Software can visualize the project and solve the problems of physical damage & cost and also can run the entire simulation of the project and make you take less hassle.

Programming knowledge is advantageous for engineers, especially with the growth in integrated circuits and embedded electronics. Many embedded systems are coded in C, while HDL is essential for a wide range of electronics engineering because it is used to determine the behavior of circuits.

Software and Programming skill’s:

Not just the circuit knowledge we need software and programming skills too and most important is Enthusiasm for learning.

Project Management: To represent or combining the entire project we need the help of MS Office, Prezi like software.

Engineering Design: Autodesk AutoCAD, Proteus, MATLAB, MechDesigner, Solid Edge etc. to research and develop ideas for new products and their associated systems. Also, to simulate and have the proper understanding.

Programmable Logic Controllers/Automation: PLC are computing devices specifically designed to be used in industrial applications such as manufacturing.

C, C++, VHDL and HDL Programming Languages: Need the Basic concept of programming languages to run Python, CodeBlocks, Arduino etc. to run the logical entity.

Benefits (How it will help):

Engineers need to design before the implementation in that context we need iterative approach, problem solving and exploring software like the Autodesk AutoCAD, MATLAB to simulate the impact of different numbers and voltages of transformers in a system, PLC to control a system, Arduino or C, C++ for the IoT environment.

Benefitted Sector:

Some of the most popular industries employing electrical & electronic engineers include security firms, military organizations, aerospace manufacturing, power companies, telecommunication companies, IT services companies and many more are open to you.

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  1. I remember, on CSE 101, some of my friends were so fed up that they nearly drop the course. In their words, "what's the use of this?" Well they should read such encouraging articles.

  2. I appreciate you.
    For highlight the Benefits of learning software and programming for EEE students.
    Your article will encourage EEE students.
    Thank you.

  3. I think also that "Software can visualize the project and solve the problems of physical damage & cost." There are many kind of software like "Autodesk AutoCAD, Proteus, MATLAB, MechDesigner, Solid Edge etc."The Engineers need to design before the implement.

  4. I agree
    And it is very beneficial for EEE students

  5. well writing
    It’s a important part for EEE students

  6. Very useful for EEE students.

  7. I agree with you.
    Its very important for EEE studenst.

  8. We are engineers. So we always need programming software. Thank you for informative description about programming software.
